Ministerstwo Miłości

Is that gasoline I smell?

InsydeFlash battery is too low(0<30)

2021-05-06 przez szarpaj

So I had to deal with the issue of low battery - "Battery is too low(0<30). Please charge your battery to 30%". The problem? The battery is dead. Dead. Dead and buried. Stuck at 0% forever.

Looking at some interweb sites here [1] nad there [2] I've done the BIOS update with dead battery.

Compilation of various solutions and tweaks:

Download BIOS.

Extract the file with 7zip _or_ run it and do _not_ close the BIOS update window with an error message, but go to [your_user_dir]\AppData\Local\Temp - there should be a directory with extracted files. Show hidden files and copy all of them to some other place (like "Brand New BIOS" directory on your Desktop). Warning! (there may be en extraction error: "Cannot open the file as [PE] archive", it's all right).

When you run the installer ("InsydeFlash.exe" or whatever name vendor makes) it should end with an error like "Battery is too low(0<30). Please charge your battery to 30%" or "The AC adapter and battery must be plugged in before the system BIOS can be flashed". Press cancel.

A file named "platforms.ini" will be created in the directory after you run "InsydeFlash.exe", copy and rename it to "platform.ini". Maybe there is a hidden file with that name. "platform.ini" worked for me.

And now - random interweb guides are about changing "BatteryCheck=1" to "BatteryCheck=0", but it wasnt enough for me. All the things in Windows was going fine and then, after a reboot when a real update happens, it ended with "You fool, your battery is to low!".

It seems that "BatteryCheck" is only for Windows.
- Hey there, how's your battery?
- Bad!
- So I wont update your BIOS!
You can fool Windows with a "0":
- Hey there, how's your battery?
- Not your problem!
- OK! So let's update your BIOS!
But then there's another "low level" check after a reboot by BIOS? EC? that will tell you the same thing: "I wont update, your battery should be at least 30%!". And there's the "BatteryBound=30" in platform{,s}.ini. I've changed it to "0" and togheter it fools both battery checks.

Make all changes in a copy of "platforms.ini" renamed to "platform.ini". If something goes wrong, you can blame yourself. :-)
